India Stamp Collection

This page is about an India stamp collection that includes some when India was under Raj (British rule).

1883 British India SG 041 used One Anna Stamp. This official stamp features Queen Victoria and has ONHSM (On Her Majesty's Service) overprinted on it which tells us it was used on written communication from a British India office.

1883 British India SG 041 Stamp Used

Below are used Map of India stamps including 1957 SG#375, #376, 377, 381 as well as 1958 SG#402, #404, 405, 407, 408, 409, 410 and 411

Below is a 1958 sg#413 5 Year Plan Telephone Engineer stamp 1R used

sg#506 Family Planning 5P used

India sg#506 Family Planning

Next we have the following used stamps from 1965:

SG # 509 Electric Locomotive
SG #510 Plucking Tea 15 P
#511 Gnat Jet Fighter 20 P (Paisa)
#512 Indian Dolls 30 P
#513 Calcutta Post Office 40 Paisa
#514 Mango Fruit 50 P
#515 Somnath Temple 60 Paisa
#516 Hampi Chariot 70 P
#517 Medieveal Sculpture 1 Rupee
#518 Dal Lake (in Kashmir) 2 Rupees
SG #519 Bakrah Dam 5 R

Below are SG#730 1974 Tiger 15P and SG#731 Decorative Craft Horse with Rider 20 P from 1975 both are used


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