1913 Panama Pacific US Stamps

 Some interesting 1913 US Stamps from the Panama Pacific Issue:

1913 One Cent Scott 397 Mint Not Hinged featuring Vasco Núñez de Balboa

Balboa was an important Spanish Explorer who was the first European explorer known to have discovered the Pacific Ocean from the New World.  He also was the first to see the area known today as Panama.  There quantity produced of #397 were more than 334 million.

The next stamp featured here is 1913 Two Cents #398 Mint Not Hinged.

1913 two cents #398

This is also from the Panama Pacific Commemorative Issue as the one with Balbo.  It celebrates the Panama Canal which was opened in the year 1914.  This stamp has a selvage (which appears with a plate number on it and also appears to have staple holes in it. 

397 and 398 above are available here.

The next stamp being discussed here is a #399 1913 5 Cents used:

Golden Gate US Stamp 399 Used

It features the Golden Gate (as it appeared before the bridge was built years later). The World's fair of 1915 was held in San Francisco and there was advance planning and these were issued a couple years before to create awareness.  This was important for the city and it showed how resilient it was in recovering from the earthquake of 1906.   This stamp is not available for purchase at this time.  

Next we have #400 1913 10 Cents used:

This stamp commemorates 1st sighting of a European of the San Francisco Bay.  This occurred in 1769 by Spanish Explorers.  In this group there were scouts lead by Jose Francisco Ortego who first saw it.  This stamp is not for sale currently.

The last stamp on this page of the 1913 Panama Pacific issue is the following #400a 1913 10 Cents used (faulty).

This stamp is the same design as 400 but the color was changed to orange to make it easier to look at the design.  Not for sale at the moment.


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